Interaction molecular QTL mapping discovers cellular and environmental modifiers of genetic regulatory effects

Kasela, S., Aguet, F., Kim-Hellmuth, S., Brown, B. C., Nachun, D. C., Tracy, R. P., Durda, P., Liu, Y., Taylor, K. D., Johnson, W. C., Van Den Berg, D., Gabriel, S., Gupta, N., Smith, J. D., Blackwell, T. W., Rotter, J. I., Ardlie, K. G., Manichaikul, A., Rich, S. S., … Lappalainen, T. (2024). Interaction molecular QTL mapping discovers cellular and environmental modifiers of genetic regulatory effects. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 111(1), 133–149.
Silva Kasela
François Aguet
Sarah Kim-Hellmuth
Brielin C Brown
Daniel C Nachun
Russell P Tracy
Peter Durda
Yongmei Liu
Kent D Taylor
W Craig Johnson
David Van Den Berg
Stacey Gabriel
Namrata Gupta
Joshua D Smith
Thomas W Blackwell
Jerome I Rotter
Kristin G Ardlie
Ani Manichaikul
Stephen S Rich
R Graham Barr
Tuuli Lappalainen
Affiliated Authors:
Silva Kasela
Brielin C Brown
R Graham Barr
Tuuli Lappalainen
Author Keywords:
cell-type composition
dna methylation
gene expression
gene-environment interaction
interaction qtl
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