Epidemiologic trends and risk factors associated with the decline in mortality from coronary heart disease in the United States, 1990-2019

Ananth, C. V., Rutherford, C., Rosenfeld, E. B., Brandt, J. S., Graham, H., Kostis, W. J., & Keyes, K. M. (2023). Epidemiologic trends and risk factors associated with the decline in mortality from coronary heart disease in the United States, 1990-2019. American Heart Journal, 263, 46–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2023.05.006
Cande V Ananth
Caroline Rutherford
Emily B Rosenfeld
Justin S Brandt
Hillary Graham
William J Kostis
Katherine M Keyes
Affiliated Authors:
Caroline Rutherford
Katherine M Keyes
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