Real-World Safety and Effectiveness After 5 Years of Dimethyl Fumarate Treatment in Black and Hispanic Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in ESTEEM

Williams, M. J., Amezcua, L., Chinea, A., Cohan, S., Okai, A., Okuda, D. T., Vargas, W., Belviso, N., Božin, I., Jiang, X., Lewin, J. B., Lyons, J., Shen, C., England, S. M., & Grimes, N. (2023). Real-World Safety and Effectiveness After 5 Years of Dimethyl Fumarate Treatment in Black and Hispanic Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in ESTEEM. Neurology and Therapy, 12(5), 1669–1682.
Mitzi J Williams
Lilyana Amezcua
Angel Chinea
Stanley Cohan
Annette Okai
Darin T Okuda
Wendy Vargas
Nick Belviso
Ivan Božin
Xiaotong Jiang
James B Lewin
Jennifer Lyons
Changyu Shen
Sarah M England
Nydjie Grimes
Affiliated Authors:
Wendy Vargas
Author Keywords:
dimethyl fumarate
minority populations
multiple sclerosis
safety and effectiveness
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