Kids Mod PAH trial: A multicenter trial comparing mono- versus duo-therapy for initial treatment of pediatric pulmonary hypertension

Collaco, J. M., Abman, S. H., Austin, E. D., Avitabile, C. M., Bates, A., Fineman, J. R., Freire, G. A., Handler, S. S., Ivy, D. D., Krishnan, U. S., Mullen, M. P., Varghese, N. P., Yung, D., Nies, M. K., Everett, A. D., Zimmerman, K. O., Simmons, W., Chakraborty, H., Yenokyan, G., … Romer, L. H. (2023). Kids Mod PAH trial: A multicenter trial comparing mono‐ versus duo‐therapy for initial treatment of pediatric pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary Circulation, 13(4). Portico.
Joseph M Collaco
Steven H Abman
Eric D Austin
Catherine M Avitabile
Angela Bates
Jeffrey R Fineman
Grace A Freire
Stephanie S Handler
Dunbar D Ivy
Usha S Krishnan
Mary P Mullen
Nidhy P Varghese
Delphine Yung
Melanie K Nies
Allen D Everett
Kanecia O Zimmerman
William Simmons
Hrishikesh Chakraborty
Gayane Yenokyan
Allison Newell-Sturdivant
Eric Christensen
Lindsay M Eyzaguirre
Daniel F Hanley
Erika B Rosenzweig
Lewis H Romer
Affiliated Authors:
Usha S Krishnan
Erika B Rosenzweig
Author Keywords:
multicenter randomized control trial
pulmonary arterial hypertension
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