Exposure to 4,4′-DDE in visceral adipose tissue and weight loss in adolescents from the Teen-LABS cohort

Rubbo, B., Li, Z., Tachachartvanich, P., Baumert, B. O., Wang, H., Pan, S., Rock, S., Ryder, J. R., Jenkins, T., Sisley, S., Lin, X., Bartell, S., Inge, T. H., Xanthakos, S., McNeil, B., Robuck, A. R., La Merrill, M. A., Walker, D. I., Conti, D. V., … Chatzi, L. (2024). Exposure to 4,4′‐DDE in visceral adipose tissue and weight loss in adolescents from the Teen‐LABS cohort. Obesity, 32(5), 1023–1032. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/oby.24009
Bruna Rubbo
Zhenjiang Li
Brittney O. Baumert
Hongxu Wang
Shudi Pan
Sarah Rock
David V. Conti
Rob McConnell
Sandrah P. Eckel
Lida Chatzi
Phum Tachachartvanich
Michele A. La Merrill
Justin R. Ryder
Thomas H. Inge
Todd Jenkins
Stephanie Sisley
Xiangping Lin
Anna R. Robuck
Scott Bartell
Stavra Xanthakos
Brooklynn McNeil
Douglas I. Walker
Affiliated Authors:
Brooklynn McNeil
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Web of Science

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