International consensus statement on allergy and rhinology: Olfaction

Patel, Z. M., Holbrook, E. H., Turner, J. H., Adappa, N. D., Albers, M. W., Altundag, A., Appenzeller, S., Costanzo, R. M., Croy, I., Davis, G. E., Dehgani‐Mobaraki, P., Doty, R. L., Duffy, V. B., Goldstein, B. J., Gudis, D. A., Haehner, A., Higgins, T. S., Hopkins, C., Huart, C., … Yan, C. H. (2022). International consensus statement on allergy and rhinology: Olfaction. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, 12(4), 327–680. Portico.
Zara M Patel
Eric H Holbrook
Justin H Turner
Nithin D Adappa
Mark W Albers
Aytug Altundag
Simone Appenzeller
Richard M Costanzo
Ilona Croy
Greg E Davis
Puya Dehgani-Mobaraki
Richard L Doty
Valerie B Duffy
Bradley J Goldstein
David A Gudis
Antje Haehner
Thomas S Higgins
Claire Hopkins
Caroline Huart
Thomas Hummel
Kawinyarat Jitaroon
Robert C Kern
Ashoke R Khanwalkar
Masayoshi Kobayashi
Kenji Kondo
Andrew P Lane
Matt Lechner
Donald A Leopold
Joshua M Levy
Michael J Marmura
Lisha Mclelland
Takaki Miwa
Paul J Moberg
Christian A Mueller
Sagar U Nigwekar
Erin K O'Brien
Teodor G Paunescu
Robert Pellegrino
Carl Philpott
Jayant M Pinto
Evan R Reiter
David R Roalf
Nicholas R Rowan
Rodney J Schlosser
James Schwob
Allen M Seiden
Timothy L Smith
Zachary M Soler
Leigh Sowerby
Bruce K Tan
Andrew Thamboo
Bozena Wrobel
Carol H Yan
Affiliated Authors:
David A Gudis
Smell (MeSH)
Author Keywords:
evidence-based medicine
loss of smell
olfactory dysfunction
olfactory loss
systematic review
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