Maintenance of Wellness in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Who Discontinue Medication after Exposure/Response Prevention Augmentation: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Foa, E. B., Simpson, H. B., Gallagher, T., Wheaton, M. G., Gershkovich, M., Schmidt, A. B., Huppert, J. D., Imms, P., Campeas, R. B., Cahill, S., DiChiara, C., Tsao, S. D., Puliafico, A., Chazin, D., Asnaani, A., Moore, K., Tyler, J., Steinman, S. A., Sanches-LaCay, A., … Rosenfield, D. (2022). Maintenance of Wellness in Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Who Discontinue Medication After Exposure/Response Prevention Augmentation. JAMA Psychiatry, 79(3), 193.
Edna B. Foa
Helen Blair Simpson
Thea Gallagher
Michael G. Wheaton
Marina Gershkovich
Andrew B. Schmidt
Jonathan D. Huppert
Patricia Imms
Raphael B. Campeas
Shawn Cahill
Christina Dichiara
Steven D. Tsao
Anthony Puliafico
Daniel Chazin
Anu Asnaani
Kelly Moore
Jeremy Tyler
Shari A. Steinman
Arturo Sanches-Lacay
Sandy Capaldi
Ívar Snorrason
Elizabeth Turk-Karan
Donna Vermes
Eyal Kalanthroff
Anthony Pinto
Gabriella E. Hamlett
Rachel Middleton
Chang-Gyu Hahn
Bin Xu
Page E. Van Meter
Martha Katechis
David Rosenfield
Affiliated Authors:
Helen Blair Simpson
Michael G. Wheaton
Marina Gershkovich
Andrew B. Schmidt
Raphael B. Campeas
Anthony Puliafico
Donna Vermes
Eyal Kalanthroff
Bin Xu
Page E. Van Meter
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