Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Polygenic Risk Score and Risk of Disease Onset: A Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial

Sekimitsu, S., Ghazal, N., Aziz, K., Zhao, Y., Singh, R. K., Fingert, J. H., Gordon, M. O., Kass, M. A., Scheetz, T., Segrè, A. V., Pasquale, L. R., Wiggs, J. L., Brandt, J. D., & Zebardast, N. (2024). Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Polygenic Risk Score and Risk of Disease Onset. JAMA Ophthalmology.
Sayuri Sekimitsu
Nabil Ghazal
Kanza Aziz
Yan Zhao
Rishabh K Singh
John H Fingert
Mae O Gordon
Michael A Kass
Todd Scheetz
Ayellet V Segrè
Louis R Pasquale
Janey L Wiggs
James D Brandt
Nazlee Zebardast
Affiliated Authors:
Rishabh K Singh
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