Apixaban to Prevent Covert Infarcts After Cryptogenic Stroke in Patients With Atrial Cardiopathy: A Secondary Analysis of the ARCADIA Randomized Clinical Trial

Lansberg, M. G., Wintermark, M., Chen, H., Howard, G., Cassarly, C., Pauls, Q., Kemp, S., Harris, T. L., Krishnaiah, B., Stanton, R. J., Lyerly, M. J., Miller, B. R., Smith, E. E., Tirschwell, D. L., Sheth, K. N., Kamel, H., Longstreth, W. T., Elkind, M. S. V., Broderick, J. P., & Lazar, R. M. (2025). Apixaban to Prevent Covert Infarcts After Cryptogenic Stroke in Patients With Atrial Cardiopathy. JAMA Neurology. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.4838
Maarten G Lansberg
Max Wintermark
Hui Chen
George Howard
Christy Cassarly
Qi Pauls
Stephanie Kemp
Tashia L Harris
Balaji Krishnaiah
Robert J Stanton
Michael J Lyerly
Benjamin R Miller
Eric E Smith
David L Tirschwell
Kevin N Sheth
Hooman Kamel
William T Longstreth
Mitchell S V Elkind
Joseph P Broderick
Ronald M Lazar
Affiliated Authors:
Mitchell S V Elkind
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