Recognition of the Large Ambulatory C2D Stage of Advanced Heart Failure-A Call to Action

Dunlay, S. M., Pinney, S. P., Lala, A., Stewart, G. C., McIlvennan, C., Wong, R. P., Morris, A. A., Pagani, F. D., Allen, L. A., Breathett, K., Cogswell, R., Colvin, M. M., Cowger, J. A., Drakos, S. G., Gelfman, L. P., Kanwar, M. K., Kiernan, M. S., Kittleson, M. M., Lewis, E. F., … Stevenson, L. W. (2025). Recognition of the Large Ambulatory C2D Stage of Advanced Heart Failure—A Call to Action. JAMA Cardiology.
Shannon M Dunlay
Sean P Pinney
Anuradha Lala
Garrick C Stewart
Colleen McIlvennan
Renee P Wong
Alanna A Morris
Francis D Pagani
Larry A Allen
Khadijah Breathett
Rebecca Cogswell
Monica M Colvin
Jennifer A Cowger
Stavros G Drakos
Laura P Gelfman
Manreet K Kanwar
Michael S Kiernan
Michelle M Kittleson
Eldrin F Lewis
Nader Moazami
Modele O Ogunniyi
Ambarish Pandey
Joseph G Rogers
Kurt R Schumacher
Mark S Slaughter
Ryan J Tedford
Jeffrey Teuteberg
Hannah A Valantine
Ersilia M DeFilippis
Debra D Dixon
Jessica R Golbus
Gaurav Gulati
Thomas C Hanff
Stephanie Hsiao
Sabra C Lewsey
Amanda D McCormick
Aditi Nayak
Kathleen N Fenton
Lisa Schwartz Longacre
Sujata M Shanbhag
Wendy C Taddei-Peters
Lynne Warner Stevenson
Affiliated Authors:
Ersilia M DeFilippis
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