Quality of care and respect of human rights in mental health services in four West African countries: collaboration between the mental health leadership and advocacy programme and the World Health Organization QualityRights initiative

Moro, M. F., Kola, L., Fadahunsi, O., Jah, E. M., Kofie, H., Samba, D., Thomas, S., Drew, N., Nwefoh, E., Pathare, S., Eaton, J., Funk, M., & Gureje, O. (2022). Quality of care and respect of human rights in mental health services in four West African countries: collaboration between the mental health leadership and advocacy programme and the World Health Organization QualityRights initiative. BJPsych Open, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.1192/bjo.2021.1080
Maria Francesca Moro
Lola Kola
Olawoye Fadahunsi
Edward Munda Jah
Humphrey Kofie
Dawda Samba
Sametta Thomas
Natalie Drew
Emeka Nwefoh
Soumitra Pathare
Julian Eaton
Michelle Funk
Oye Gureje
Affiliated Authors:
Maria Francesca Moro
Author Keywords:
world health organization qualityrights
human rights
psychiatric services
west africa
united nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
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