Discovery of Autoantibodies Targeting Nephrin in Minimal Change Disease Supports a Novel Autoimmune Etiology

Watts, A. J. B., Keller, K. H., Lerner, G., Rosales, I., Collins, A. B., Sekulic, M., Waikar, S. S., Chandraker, A., Riella, L. V., Alexander, M. P., Troost, J. P., Chen, J., Fermin, D., Yee, J. L., Sampson, M. G., Beck, L. H., Henderson, J. M., Greka, A., Rennke, H. G., & Weins, A. (2022). Discovery of Autoantibodies Targeting Nephrin in Minimal Change Disease Supports a Novel Autoimmune Etiology. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 33(1), 238–252.
Andrew J.B. Watts
Keith H. Keller
Gabriel Lerner
Ivy Rosales
A. Bernard Collins
Miroslav Sekulic
Sushrut S. Waikar
Anil Chandraker
Leonardo V. Riella
Mariam P. Alexander
Jonathan P. Troost
Junbo Chen
Damian Fermin
Jennifer L. Yee
Matthew G. Sampson
Laurence H. Beck
Joel M. Henderson
Anna Greka
Helmut G. Rennke
Astrid Weins
Affiliated Authors:
Miroslav Sekulic
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