Characterisation of paediatric pulmonary hypertensive vascular disease from the PPHNet Registry

Abman, S. H., Mullen, M. P., Sleeper, L. A., Austin, E. D., Rosenzweig, E. B., Kinsella, J. P., Ivy, D., Hopper, R. K., Raj, J. U., Fineman, J., Keller, R. L., Bates, A., Krishnan, U. S., Avitabile, C. M., Davidson, A., Natter, M. D., & Mandl, K. D. (2021). Characterisation of paediatric pulmonary hypertensive vascular disease from the PPHNet Registry. European Respiratory Journal, 59(1), 2003337.
Steven H. Abman
Mary P. Mullen
Lynn A. Sleeper
Eric D. Austin
Erika B. Rosenzweig
John P. Kinsella
Dunbar Ivy
Rachel K. Hopper
J. Usha Raj
Jeffrey Fineman
Roberta L. Keller
Angela Bates
Usha S. Krishnan
Catherine M. Avitabile
Alexander Davidson
Marc D. Natter
Kenneth D. Mandl
Affiliated Authors:
Erika B. Rosenzweig
Usha S. Krishnan
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