Improving Clinical Trials for Anticomplement Therapies in Complement-Mediated Glomerulopathies: Report of a Scientific orkshop Sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation

Bomback, A. S., Appel, G. B., Gipson, D. S., Hladunewich, M. A., Lafayette, R., Nester, C. M., Parikh, S. V., Smith, R. J. H., Trachtman, H., Heeger, P. S., Ram, S., Rovin, B. H., Ali, S., Arceneaux, N., Ashoor, I., Bailey-Wickins, L., Barratt, J., Beck, L., Cattran, D. C., … Thurman, J. M. (2022). Improving Clinical Trials for Anticomplement Therapies in Complement-Mediated Glomerulopathies: Report of a Scientific Workshop Sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 79(4), 570–581.
Andrew S. Bomback
Gerald B. Appel
Krzysztof Kiryluk
Howard Trachtman
Peter S. Heeger
Paolo Cravedi
Shadab Ali
Nicole Arceneaux
Laura Bailey-Wickins
Lindsey Fuller
David L. Feldman
Richard Quigg
Christine Sethna
Debbie S. Gipson
Michelle A. Hladunewich
Daniel C. Cattran
Christoph Licht
Richard Lafayette
Minnie M. Sarwal
Carla M. Nester
Samir Parikh
Brad H. Rovin
John D. Mahan
Elif Erkan
Sanjay Ram
Laurence Beck
Isa Ashoor
Jonathan Barratt
Matthew C. Pickering
Fernando Fervenza
Mark Stegall
Michelle Rheault
Ashley A. Frazer-Abel
Joshua M. Thurman
Rasheed Gbadegesin
Jonathan J. Hogan
Veronique Fremeaux-Bacchi
Pierre Ronco
Moglie Le Quintrec-Donnette
Marina Vivarelli
Cathie Spino
Richard J. H. Smith
Affiliated Authors:
Andrew S. Bomback
Gerald B. Appel
Krzysztof Kiryluk
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Web of Science

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