O-3 | Transitioning from the Cardiac Catheterization Lab to the Bedside for Transcatheter PDA Device Closure in ELBW Infants: A Single Center Experience

Kiene, A., Johnson, J., Weems, M., Tailor, N. C., Balmut, M., Waller, B. R., Philip, R., & Sathanandam, S. K. (2022). O-3 | Transitioning from the Cardiac Catheterization Lab to the Bedside for Transcatheter PDA Device Closure in ELBW Infants: A Single Center Experience. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100053. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jscai.2022.100053
Ashley Kiene
Jason N. Johnson
Mark Weems
Neil C. Tailor
Matthew Balmut
B. Rush Waller
Ranjit Philip
Shyam Sathanandam
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Neil C. Tailor
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