Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists in Patients With Durable Left Ventricular Assist Devices

Elad, B., Lee, C., Rahman, A., Rzechorzek, W., DeFilippis, E. M., Lotan, D., Moeller, C. M., Valledor, A. F., Rahman, S., Baranowska, J., Clerkin, K., Fried, J., Yunis, A., Yuzefpolskaya, M., Colombo, P. C., Kaku, Y., Naka, Y., Takeda, K., Raikhelkar, J., … Uriel, N. (2025). Glucagon‐Like Peptide‐1 Receptor Agonists in Patients With Durable Left Ventricular Assist Devices. Artificial Organs. Portico.
Boaz Elad
Changhee Lee
Afsana Rahman
Wojciech Rzechorzek
Ersilia M DeFilippis
Dor Lotan
Cathrine M Moeller
Andrea Fernandez Valledor
Salwa Rahman
Julia Baranowska
Kevin Clerkin
Justin Fried
Adil Yunis
Melana Yuzefpolskaya
Paolo C Colombo
Yuji Kaku
Yoshifumi Naka
Koji Takeda
Jayant Raikhelkar
Gabriel T Sayer
Nir Uriel
Affiliated Authors:
Boaz Elad
Changhee Lee
Afsana Rahman
Wojciech Rzechorzek
Ersilia M DeFilippis
Dor Lotan
Cathrine M Moeller
Andrea Fernandez Valledor
Salwa Rahman
Julia Baranowska
Kevin Clerkin
Justin Fried
Adil Yunis
Melana Yuzefpolskaya
Paolo C Colombo
Yuji Kaku
Koji Takeda
Jayant Raikhelkar
Gabriel T Sayer
Nir Uriel
Author Keywords:
glucagon‐like peptide‐1 receptor agonists
heart failure
left ventricular assist device
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