4.59 The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Type on the Relationship Between ACEs and Dimensions of Substance Use Risk in Puerto Rican Children Aged 10-15

Sussman, T. J., Polanco-Roman, L., Reyes-Portillo, J., Campo, W. A., Lancellotti, M. R., Goldner Pérez, C. P., & Duarte, C. S. (2023). 4.59 The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Type on the Relationship Between ACEs and Dimensions of Substance Use Risk in Puerto Rican Children Aged 10-15. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10), S252. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2023.09.303
Tamara J. Sussman
Lillian Polanco‐Roman
Jazmin A. Reyes‐Portillo
William A. Campo
Mia R. Lancellotti
C. Perez
Cristiane S. Duarte
Affiliated Authors:
Tamara J. Sussman
Lillian Polanco‐Roman
Jazmin A. Reyes‐Portillo
William A. Campo
Mia R. Lancellotti
C. Perez
Cristiane S. Duarte
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