Computed Tomography of the Chest to Screen for Interstitial Lung Disease in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis at Expert Scleroderma Centers in the United States

Bernstein, E. J., Assassi, S., Castelino, F. V., Chung, L., Correia, C., Evnin, L. B., Frech, T. M., Gordon, J. K., Skaug, B. A., Hant, F. N., Hummers, L. K., Sandorfi, N., Shah, A. A., Shanmugam, V. K., Steen, V. D., & Khanna, D. (2022). Computed Tomography of the Chest to Screen for Interstitial Lung Disease in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis at Expert Scleroderma Centers in the United States. ACR Open Rheumatology, 4(7), 596–602. Portico.
Elana J. Bernstein
Shervin Assassi
Flavia V. Castelino
Lorinda Chung
Chase Correia
Luke B. Evnin
Tracy M. Frech
Jessica K. Gordon
Brian A. Skaug
Faye N. Hant
Laura K. Hummers
Nora Sandorfi
Ami A. Shah
Victoria K. Shanmugam
Virginia D. Steen
Dinesh Khanna
Affiliated Authors:
Elana J. Bernstein
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