Using the Translational Science Benefits Model to assess the impact of the Penn Implementation Science Center in Cancer Control

Schnoll, R., Bekelman, J. E., Blumenthal, D., Asch, D. A., Buttenheim, A. M., Chaiyachati, K. H., Domchek, S. M., Fayanju, O. M., Gabriel, P., Jenssen, B. P., Leone, F. T., McCarthy, A. M., Nathanson, K. L., Parikh, R. B., Rendle, K. A., Shelton, R. C., Shulman, L. N., Takvorian, S. U., Ware, S., … Beidas, R. S. (2024). Using the Translational Science Benefits Model to assess the impact of the Penn Implementation Science Center in Cancer Control. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 8(1).
Robert Schnoll
Justin E. Bekelman
Daniel Blumenthal
David A. Asch
Alison M. Buttenheim
Krisda H. Chaiyachati
Susan M. Domchek
Oluwadamilola M. Fayanju
Peter Gabriel
Brian P. Jenssen
Frank T. Leone
Anne Marie McCarthy
Katherine L. Nathanson
Ravi B. Parikh
Katharine A. Rendle
Rachel C. Shelton
Lawrence N. Shulman
Samuel U. Takvorian
Susan Ware
E. Paul Wileyto
Rinad S. Beidas
Affiliated Authors:
Rachel C. Shelton
Author Keywords:
translational science benefits model
behavioral economics
implementation science
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