A Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes Between Supine and Lateral Patient Positioning in Total Hip Arthroplasty Using the Anterior-Based Muscle Sparing Surgical Approach

Pearsall, C., Denham, M., Frederick, J. S., Farah, O. K., Tatka, J., Shah, R. P., & Geller, J. A. (2024). A Comparison of Postoperative Outcomes Between Supine and Lateral Patient Positioning in Total Hip Arthroplasty Using the Anterior-Based Muscle Sparing Surgical Approach. Arthroplasty Today, 29, 101515. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artd.2024.101515
Christian Pearsall
M.J. Denham
Jeremy S. Frederick
Omar Farah
Jakub Tatka
Roshan P. Shah
Jeffrey A. Geller
Affiliated Authors:
Christian Pearsall
M.J. Denham
Jeremy S. Frederick
Omar Farah
Roshan P. Shah
Jeffrey A. Geller
Author Keywords:
anterior-based muscle sparing
total hip arthroplasty
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