Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Substance Use Treatment in Medicaid Managed Care in New York City The Role of Plan and Geography

Alegría, M., Falgas-Bague, I., Fukuda, M., Zhen-Duan, J., Weaver, C., O’Malley, I., Layton, T., Wallace, J., Zhang, L., Markle, S., Lincourt, P., Hussain, S., Lewis-Fernández, R., John, D. A., & McGuire, T. (2022). Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Substance Use Treatment in Medicaid Managed Care in New York City. Medical Care, 60(11), 806–812. https://doi.org/10.1097/mlr.0000000000001768
Margarita Alegria
Irene Falgas-Bague
Marie Fukuda
Jenny Zhen-Duan
Isabel O'Malley
Lulu Zhang
Sheri Markle
Cole Weaver
Timothy Layton
Thomas McGuire
Jacob Wallace
Pat Lincourt
Shazia Hussain
Roberto Lewis-Fernandez
Dolly A. John
Affiliated Authors:
Roberto Lewis-Fernandez
Author Keywords:
ethnic disparities
substance use treatment
medicaid managed care
quality of care
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Data Source:
Web of Science

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