A call for the urgent and definitive inclusion of gender identity and sexual orientation data in the Brazilian health information systems: what can we learn from the monkeypox outbreak

Canavese, D., Polidoro, M., Signorelli, M. C., Moretti-Pires, R. O., Parker, R., & Terto Jr., V. (2022). A call for the urgent and definitive inclusion of gender identity and sexual orientation data in the Brazilian health information systems: what can we learn from the monkeypox outbreak? Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 27(11), 4191–4194. https://doi.org/10.1590/1413-812320222711.12902022en
Daniel Canavese
Mauricio Polidoro
Marcos Claudio Signorelli
Rodrigo Otavio Moretti-Pires
Richard Parker
Affiliated Authors:
Richard Parker
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Web of Science

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