Priority Indicators for Adolescent Health Measurement – Recommendations From the Global Action for Measurement of Adolescent Health (GAMA) Advisory Group

Marsh, A. D., Moller, A.-B., Saewyc, E., Adebayo, E., Akwara, E., Azzopardi, P., Ba, M. G., Baltag, V., Bose, K., Burrows, S., Carvajal, L., Dastgiri, S., Fagan, L., Ferguson, J., Friedman, H. S., Giyava, C., Hagell, A., Inchley, J., Jackson, D., … Guthold, R. (2022). Priority Indicators for Adolescent Health Measurement – Recommendations From the Global Action for Measurement of Adolescent Health (GAMA) Advisory Group. Journal of Adolescent Health, 71(4), 455–465.
Andrew D. Marsh
Ann-Beth Moller
Elizabeth Saewyc
Emmanuel Adebayo
Elsie Akwara
Peter Azzopardi
Mariame Guèye Ba
Valentina Baltag
Krishna Bose
Stephanie Burrows
Liliana Carvajal
Saeed Dastgiri
Lucy Fagan
Jane Ferguson
Howard S. Friedman
Charity Giyava
Ann Hagell
Jo Inchley
Debra Jackson
Anna E. Kågesten
Aveneni Mangombe
Alison Morgan
Holly Newby
Linda Schultz
Marni Sommer
Ilene Speizer
Kun Tang
Regina Guthold
Affiliated Authors:
Marni Sommer
Author Keywords:
adolescent health
adolescent health services
global health
health behavior
health risk behavior
health status indicators
social determinants of health
youth health
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