Challenges and lessons learned from the rapid operationalization of a prospective cohort to study the natural history and neurodevelopmental outcomes of postnatal Zika virus infection among infants and children in rural Guatemala

Paniagua-Avila, A., Olson, D., Connery, A., Calvimontes, D. M., Bolanos, G. A., Lamb, M. M., Bauer, D., Ralda, A., Rojop, N., Barrios, E., Chacon, A., Gomez, M., Arroyave, P., Hernandez, S., Martinez, M. A., Bunge-Montes, S., Colbert, A., Arias, K., Brazeale, G., … Asturias, E. J. (2022). Challenges and lessons learned from the rapid operationalization of a prospective cohort to study the natural history and neurodevelopmental outcomes of postnatal Zika virus infection among infants and children in rural Guatemala. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(11), e0010480.
Alejandra Paniagua-Avila
Daniel Olson
Amy Connery
D Mirella Calvimontes
Guillermo A Bolanos
Molly M Lamb
Desiree Bauer
Aida Ralda
Neudy Rojop
Eduardo Barrios
Andrea Chacon
Melissa Gomez
Paola Arroyave
Sara Hernandez
Maria Alejandra Martinez
Saskia Bunge-Montes
Alison Colbert
Kareen Arias
Garret Brazeale
Andrea Holliday
Kay M Tomashek
Hana M El Sahly
Wendy Keitel
Flor M Munoz
Edwin J Asturias
Affiliated Authors:
Alejandra Paniagua-Avila
Guillermo A Bolanos
Molly M Lamb
Desiree Bauer
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