A randomised phase II trial of a trivalent ganglioside vaccine targeting GM2, GD2 and GD3 combined with immunological adjuvant OPT-821 versus OPT-821 alone in metastatic sarcoma patients rendered disease-free by surgery

Rosenbaum, E., Chugh, R., Ryan, C. W., Agulnik, M., Milhem, M. M., George, S., Jones, R. L., Chmielowski, B., Van Tine, B. A., Tawbi, H., Elias, A. D., Read, W. L., Budd, G. T., Qin, L.-X., Rodler, E. T., Hirman, J., Weiden, P., Bennett, C. M., Livingston, P. O., … Carvajal, R. D. (2022). A randomised phase II trial of a trivalent ganglioside vaccine targeting GM2, GD2 and GD3 combined with immunological adjuvant OPT-821 versus OPT-821 alone in metastatic sarcoma patients rendered disease-free by surgery. European Journal of Cancer, 176, 155–163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejca.2022.09.003
Evan Rosenbaum
Rashmi Chugh
Christopher W Ryan
Mark Agulnik
Mohammed M Milhem
Suzanne George
Robin L Jones
Bartosz Chmielowski
Brian A Van Tine
Hussein Tawbi
Anthony D Elias
William L Read
G Thomas Budd
Li-Xuan Qin
Eve T Rodler
Joe Hirman
Paul Weiden
Cathryn M Bennett
Philip O Livingston
Govind Ragupathi
David Hansen
Sandra P D'Angelo
William D Tap
Gary K Schwartz
Robert G Maki
Richard D Carvajal
Affiliated Authors:
Gary K Schwartz
Richard D Carvajal
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