Rotator Cuff Repair With Acromioplasty Is Associated With an Increased Rate of Revision and Subsequent Procedures

Swindell, H. W., Kang, H. P., Mueller, J. D., Heffernan, J. T., Saltzman, B. M., Ahmad, C. S., Levine, W. N., Weber, A. E., & Trofa, D. P. (2022). Rotator Cuff Repair With Acromioplasty Is Associated With an Increased Rate of Revision and Subsequent Procedures. Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation, 4(6), e2065–e2071.
Hasani W Swindell
Hyunwoo P Kang
John D Mueller
John T Heffernan
Bryan M Saltzman
Christopher S Ahmad
William N Levine
Alexander E Weber
David P Trofa
Affiliated Authors:
Hasani W Swindell
John D Mueller
Christopher S Ahmad
William N Levine
David P Trofa
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