Non-invasive prediction of pulmonary vascular disease-related exercise intolerance and survival in non-group 1 pulmonary hypertension

Reddy, Y. N. V., Dubrock, H., Hassoun, P. M., Hemnes, A., Horn, E., Leopold, J. A., Rischard, F., Rosenzweig, E. B., Hill, N. S., Erzurum, S. C., Beck, G. J., Mathai, S. C., Mukherjee, M., Tang, W. H. W., Borlaug, B. A., & Frantz, R. P. (2024). Non‐invasive prediction of pulmonary vascular disease‐related exercise intolerance and survival in non‐group 1 pulmonary hypertension. European Journal of Heart Failure. Portico.
Yogesh N V Reddy
Hilary Dubrock
Paul M Hassoun
Anna Hemnes
Evelyn Horn
Jane A Leopold
Franz Rischard
Erika B Rosenzweig
Nicholas S Hill
Serpil C Erzurum
Gerald J Beck
Stephen C Mathai
Monica Mukherjee
W H Wilson Tang
Barry A Borlaug
Robert P Frantz
Affiliated Authors:
Erika B Rosenzweig
Author Keywords:
exercise haemodynamics
pulmonary hypertension
risk scores
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