Incorporating Alternative Polygenic Risk Scores into the BOADICEA Breast Cancer Risk Prediction Model

Mavaddat, N., Ficorella, L., Carver, T., Lee, A., Cunningham, A. P., Lush, M., Dennis, J., Tischkowitz, M., Downes, K., Hu, D., Hahnen, E., Schmutzler, R. K., Stockley, T. L., Downs, G. S., Zhang, T., Chiarelli, A. M., Bojesen, S. E., Liu, C., Chung, W. K., … Easton, D. F. (2023). Incorporating Alternative Polygenic Risk Scores into the BOADICEA Breast Cancer Risk Prediction Model. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 32(3), 422–427.
Nasim Mavaddat
Lorenzo Ficorella
Tim Carver
Andrew Lee
Alex P Cunningham
Michael Lush
Joe Dennis
Marc Tischkowitz
Kate Downes
Donglei Hu
Eric Hahnen
Rita K Schmutzler
Tracy L Stockley
Gregory S Downs
Tong Zhang
Anna M Chiarelli
Stig E Bojesen
Cong Liu
Wendy K Chung
Monica Pardo
Lidia Feliubadaló
Judith Balmaña
Jacques Simard
Antonis C Antoniou
Douglas F Easton
Affiliated Authors:
Cong Liu
Wendy K Chung
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