Safety and Effectiveness of Mechanical Thrombectomy From the Fully Enrolled Multicenter, Prospective CLOUT Registry

Dexter, D., Kado, H., Shaikh, A., Schor, J., Annambhotla, S., Zybulewski, A., Paulisin, J., Bisharat, M., Mouawad, N. J., Bunte, M. C., Maldonado, T., Skripochnik, E., Raskin, A., Gandhi, S., Ichinose, E., Beasley, R., & Mojibian, H. (2023). Safety and Effectiveness of Mechanical Thrombectomy From the Fully Enrolled Multicenter, Prospective CLOUT Registry. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 2(2), 100585.
David Dexter
Herman Kado
Abdullah Shaikh
Jonathan Schor
Suman Annambhotla
Adam Zybulewski
Joseph Paulisin
Mohannad Bisharat
Nicolas J. Mouawad
Matthew C. Bunte
Thomas S. Maldonado
Edvard Skripochnik
Adam Raskin
Sagar Gandhi
Eugene Ichinose
R. Palmer Beasley
Hamid Mojibian
Affiliated Authors:
Edvard Skripochnik
Author Keywords:
deep vein thrombosis
mechanical thrombectomy
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