Quantitative assessment of the choroidal vasculature in myopic macular degeneration with optical coherence tomographic angiography

Dan, Y. S., Cheong, K. X., Lim, S. Y., Wong, Q. Y., Chong, R. S., Wong, C. W., & Hoang, Q. V. (2023). Quantitative assessment of the choroidal vasculature in myopic macular degeneration with optical coherence tomographic angiography. Frontiers in Ophthalmology, 3. https://doi.org/10.3389/fopht.2023.1202445
Yee Shan Dan
Kai Xiong Cheong
Shen Yi Lim
Qiu Ying Wong
Rachel S Chong
Chee Wai Wong
Quan V Hoang
Affiliated Authors:
Quan V Hoang
Author Keywords:
choroidal branch area
choroidal thickness
choroidal vessel density
choroidal vessel width
large vessel
medium vessel
myopic macular degeneration
optical coherence tomographic angiography
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