P-273 Genomic signatures associated with aggressive histology and decreased overall survival in neuroendocrine malignancies

Farha, N., Wei, W., Mundi, P., Krishnamurthi, S., Steele, S., Kamath, S., Gorgun, E., Liska, D., Estfan, B., Khorana, A., & Laderian, B. (2023). P-273 Genomic signatures associated with aggressive histology and decreased overall survival in neuroendocrine malignancies. Annals of Oncology, 34, S112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annonc.2023.04.329
Nicole Farha
Wei Wei
Prabhjot S. Mundi
Smitha Krishnamurthi
Scott R. Steele
S. Kamath
Emre Görgün
David Liska
Bassam Estfan
Alok A. Khorana
B. Laderian
Affiliated Authors:
Prabhjot S. Mundi
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