Progression of C-reactive protein from birth through preadolescence varies by mode of delivery

Sitarik, A. R., Johnson, C. C., Levin, A. M., Lynch, S. V., Ownby, D. R., Rundle, A. G., Straughen, J. K., Wegienka, G., Woodcroft, K. J., & Cassidy-Bushrow, A. E. (2023). Progression of C-reactive protein from birth through preadolescence varies by mode of delivery. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 11.
Alexandra R. Sitarik
Christine C. Johnson
Albert M. Levin
Susan V. Lynch
Dennis R. Ownby
Andrew G. Rundle
Jennifer K. Straughen
Ganesa Wegienka
Kimberley J. Woodcroft
Andrea E. Cassidy-Bushrow
Affiliated Authors:
Andrew G. Rundle
Author Keywords:
birth cohort
caesarean section
developmental origins of health and disease
high-sensitivity c-reactive protein
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