Prevalence and significance of extracardiac uptake on pyrophosphate imaging in the SCAN-MP study: the first 379 cases

Chan, N., Einstein, A. J., Griffin, J. M., Rosenblum, H., Teruya, S., Cuomo, M., De Los Santos, J., DeLuca, A., Johnson, L. L., Kinkhabwala, M. P., Leb, J. S., Mintz, A., Fine, D., Helmke, S., Muralidhar, V., Pandey, S., Sabogal, N., Saith, S. E., Winburn, M., … Maurer, M. S. (2023). Prevalence and significance of extracardiac uptake on pyrophosphate imaging in the SCAN-MP study: the first 379 cases. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 30(6), 2531–2539.
Nicholas Chan
Andrew J. Einstein
Jan M. Griffin
Hannah Rosenblum
Sergio Teruya
Margaret Cuomo
Jeffeny De Los Santos
Albert DeLuca
Lynne L. Johnson
Mona P. Kinkhabwala
Jay S. Leb
Akiva Mintz
Denise Fine
Stephen Helmke
Varsha Muralidhar
Shivda Pandey
Natalia Sabogal
Sunil E. Saith
Morgan Winburn
Dia Smiley
Edward J. Miller
Frederick L. Ruberg
Mathew S. Maurer
Affiliated Authors:
Nicholas Chan
Andrew J. Einstein
Hannah Rosenblum
Sergio Teruya
Margaret Cuomo
Jeffeny De Los Santos
Albert DeLuca
Lynne L. Johnson
Mona P. Kinkhabwala
Jay S. Leb
Akiva Mintz
Stephen Helmke
Dia Smiley
Mathew S. Maurer
Author Keywords:
extracardiac findings
nuclear scintigraphy
pyrophosphate imaging
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