The effects of glycemic index on prostate cancer progression in a xenograft mouse model

Galván, G. C., Macias, E., Sanders, S., Ramirez-Torres, A., Stock, S., You, S., Riera, C. E., Tamukong, P., Smith-Warner, S. A., Genkinger, J. M., Luthringer, D. J., Freeman, M. R., & Freedland, S. J. (2023). The effects of glycemic index on prostate cancer progression in a xenograft mouse model. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 27(2), 348–354.
Gloria Cecilia Galván
Everardo Macias
Sergio Sanders
Adela Ramirez-Torres
Shannon Stock
Sungyong You
Celine E Riera
Patrick Tamukong
Stephanie A Smith-Warner
Jeanine M Genkinger
Daniel J Luthringer
Michael R Freeman
Stephen J Freedland
Affiliated Authors:
Jeanine M Genkinger
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