Hip Osteoarthritis in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Severe Adult Spinal Deformity: Prevalence and Impact on Spine Surgery Outcomes

Diebo, B. G., Alsoof, D., Balmaceno-Criss, M., Daher, M., Lafage, R., Passias, P. G., Ames, C. P., Shaffrey, C. I., Burton, D. C., Deviren, V., Line, B. G., Soroceanu, A., Hamilton, D. K., Klineberg, E. O., Mundis, G. M., Kim, H. J., Gum, J. L., Smith, J. S., … Uribe, J. S. (2024). Hip Osteoarthritis in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Severe Adult Spinal Deformity. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 106(13), 1171–1180. https://doi.org/10.2106/jbjs.23.00818
Bassel G Diebo
Daniel Alsoof
Mariah Balmaceno-Criss
Mohammad Daher
Renaud Lafage
Peter G Passias
Christopher P Ames
Christopher I Shaffrey
Douglas C Burton
Vedat Deviren
Breton G Line
Alex Soroceanu
D Kojo Hamilton
Eric O Klineberg
Gregory M Mundis
Han Jo Kim
Jeffrey L Gum
Justin S Smith
Juan S Uribe
Khaled M Kebaish
Munish C Gupta
Pierce D Nunley
Robert K Eastlack
Richard Hostin
Themistocles S Protopsaltis
Lawrence G Lenke
Robert A Hart
Frank J Schwab
Shay Bess
Virginie Lafage
Alan H Daniels
Affiliated Authors:
Lawrence G Lenke
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