Airway tree caliber heterogeneity and airflow obstruction among older adults

Vameghestahbanati, M., Kingdom, L., Hoffman, E. A., Kirby, M., Allen, N. B., Angelini, E., Bertoni, A., Hamid, Q., Hogg, J. C., Jacobs, D. R., Laine, A., Maltais, F., Michos, E. D., Sack, C., Sin, D., Watson, K. E., Wysoczanksi, A., Couper, D., … Cooper, C. (2024). Airway tree caliber heterogeneity and airflow obstruction among older adults. Journal of Applied Physiology, 136(5), 1144–1156.
Motahareh Vameghestahbanati
Leina Kingdom
Eric A Hoffman
Miranda Kirby
Norrina B Allen
Elsa Angelini
Alain Bertoni
Qutayba Hamid
James C Hogg
David R Jacobs
Andrew Laine
Francois Maltais
Erin D Michos
Coralynn Sack
Don Sin
Karol E Watson
Artur Wysoczanksi
David Couper
Christopher Cooper
Meilan Han
Prescott Woodruff
Wan C Tan
Jean Bourbeau
R Graham Barr
Benjamin M Smith
Affiliated Authors:
Elsa Angelini
Andrew Laine
Artur Wysoczanksi
R Graham Barr
Benjamin M Smith
Author Keywords:
airflow obstruction
airway tree caliber heterogeneity
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
computed tomography
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