Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
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Brunette, M. F., Erlich, M. D., Edwards, M. L., Adler, D. A., Berlant, J., Dixon, L., First, M. B., Oslin, D. W., Siris, S. G., & Talley, R. M. (2023). Addressing the Increasing Mental Health Distress and Mental Illness Among Young Adults in the United States. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 211(12), 961–967.
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Columbia Affiliation
Compton, M. T., Frimpong, E. Y., Fu, E., Ehntholt, A., Chaudhry, S., Ferdousi, W., Rowan, G. A., Swetnam, H., Radigan, M., Smith, T. E., & Rotter, M. (2023). Associations Between Cumulative Social Adversities and Substance Use Comorbidity in a Statewide Sample of Individuals in Treatment for Mental Illnesses. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 211(11), 814–818.
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Columbia Affiliation
Ehntholt, A., Fu, E., Pope, L. G., Rotter, M., & Compton, M. T. (2023). Introducing the Staff-Administered Meal Independence Rating Scale for Use Among Patients With Serious Mental Illnesses. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 212(2), 71–75.
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Columbia Affiliation
Compton, M. T., Ku, B. S., Covington, M. A., Metzger, C., & Hogoboom, A. (2023). Lexical Diversity and Other Linguistic Measures in Schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 211(8), 613–620.
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Columbia Affiliation
Phillips, J., Fallon, B., Majeed, S., Meador, K., Merlino, J., Neely, H., Nields, J., Saunders, D., & Norko, M. (2023). Undiagnosing St Joan. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 211(8), 559–565.
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Stevens, E. S., Funkhouser, C. J., Auerbach, R. P., Talati, A., Gameroff, M. G., Posner, J. E., Weissman, M. M., & Shankman, S. A. (2022). Inhibition Predicts the Course of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms Among Adolescents. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 211(2), 100–107.
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Columbia Affiliation
Pederson, A. B., Earnshaw, V. A., Lewis-Fernández, R., Hawkins, D., Mangale, D. I., Tsai, A. C., & Thornicroft, G. (2022). Religiosity and Stigmatization Related to Mental Illness Among African Americans and Black Immigrants. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 211(2), 115–124.
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Columbia Affiliation
Mascayano, F., Haselden, M., Corbeil, T., Wall, M. M., Tang, F., Essock, S. M., Frimpong, E., Goldman, M. L., Radigan, M., Schneider, M., Wang, R., Dixon, L. B., Olfson, M., & Smith, T. E. (2022). Patient-, Hospital-, and System-Level Factors Associated With 30-Day Readmission After a Psychiatric Hospitalization. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 210(10), 741–746.
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Columbia Affiliation
Mustafiz, F., Moeller, J., Kuvaldina, M., Bennett, C., & Fallon, B. A. (2021). Persistent Symptoms, Lyme Disease, and Prior Trauma. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 210(5), 359–364.
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Columbia Affiliation
Talley, R. M., Edwards, M. L., Berlant, J., Wagner, E. S., Adler, D. A., Erlich, M. D., Goldman, B., Dixon, L. B., First, M. B., Oslin, D. W., & Siris, S. G. (2021). Structural Racism and Psychiatric Practice. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 210(1), 2–5.
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Columbia Affiliation