Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice

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Futch Thurston, L. A., Abbruzzese, L. D., Maxwell, B., Lee Bishop, K., Threats, T., Oluwole-Sangoseni, O., Simon, P., & Pfiefle, A. (2024). The Power of Narrative: Empowering interprofessional teams to promote health equity by reflecting on bias and unpacking stigmatizing language. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 34, 100690.
Publication Date
Klink, K. A., Fisher, A. K., Chiovaro, J. C., Davila, J. A., Stout, R. A., Albanese, A. P., Bope, E. T., & Sanders, K. M. (2023). The department of veterans affairs rural interprofessional faculty development initiative (RIFDI): A novel approach to expanding the rural workforce. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 30, 100590.
Publication Date
Lee Bishop, K., Abbruzzese, L. D., Adeniran, R. K., Dunleavy, K., Maxwell, B., Oluwole-Sangoseni, O., Simon, P., Smith, S. S., & Thurston, L. A. (2022). Becoming an anti-racist interprofessional healthcare organization: Our journey. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 27, 100509.
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