Annals of Emergency Medicine
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Sacco, D. L., Probst, M. A., Mannes, Z. L., Comer, S. D., Martins, S. S., & Chang, B. P. (2024). Frequency of Fentanyl Exposure in Emergency Department Patients With Illicit Drug Use. Annals of Emergency Medicine.
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Columbia Affiliation
Lall, M. D., Jayaprakash, N., Carrick, A., Chang, B. P., Himelfarb, N. T., Thomas, Y., Wong, M. L., Dobiesz, V., & Raukar, N. P. (2024). Consensus-Driven Recommendations to Support Physician Pregnancy, Adoption, Surrogacy, Parental Leave, and Lactation in Emergency Medicine. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 83(6), 585–597.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Sacco, D., Probst, M., Martins, S., Comer, S., & Chang, B. (2023). 300 Prevalence of Fentanyl Co-Ingestion Among Emergency Department Patients With Opioid and Non-Opioid Drug Overdoses. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 82(4), S131.
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Columbia Affiliation
Trainor, J. L., Glaser, N. S., Tzimenatos, L., Stoner, M. J., Brown, K. M., McManemy, J. K., Schunk, J. E., Quayle, K. S., Nigrovic, L. E., Rewers, A., Myers, S. R., Bennett, J. E., Kwok, M. Y., Olsen, C. S., Casper, T. C., Ghetti, S., Kuppermann, N., Perry, C. S., Marcin, J. P., … Schnadower, D. (2023). Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Dehydration Severity in Children With Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 82(2), 167–178.
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Columbia Affiliation
Hu, Y., Cato, K. D., Chan, C. W., Dong, J., Gavin, N., Rossetti, S. C., & Chang, B. P. (2023). Use of Real-Time Information to Predict Future Arrivals in the Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 81(6), 728–737.
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Columbia Affiliation
Gettel, C. J., Courtney, D. M., Janke, A. T., Rothenberg, C., Mills, A. M., Sun, W., & Venkatesh, A. K. (2022). The 2013 to 2019 Emergency Medicine Workforce: Clinician Entry and Attrition Across the US Geography. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 80(3), 260–271.
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Columbia Affiliation
Probst, M. A., Janke, A. T., Haimovich, A. D., Venkatesh, A. K., Lin, M. P., Kocher, K. E., Nemnom, M.-J., & Thiruganasambandamoorthy, V. (2022). Development of a Novel Emergency Department Quality Measure to Reduce Very Low-Risk Syncope Hospitalizations. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 79(6), 509–517.
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Columbia Affiliation
Powell, E. C., Roskind, C. G., Schnadower, D., Olsen, C. S., Casper, T. C., Tarr, P. I., O’Connell, K. J., Levine, A. C., Poonai, N., Schuh, S., Rogers, A. J., Bhatt, S. R., Gouin, S., Mahajan, P., Vance, C., Hurley, K., Farion, K. J., Sapien, R. E., & Freedman, S. B. (2022). Oral Ondansetron Administration in Children Seeking Emergency Department Care for Acute Gastroenteritis: A Patient-Level Propensity-Matched Analysis. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 79(1), 66–74.
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Columbia Affiliation