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Shearston, J. A., Saxena, R., Casey, J. A., Kioumourtzoglou, M., & Hilpert, M. (2024). Variation in the Impact of New York on Pause on Traffic Congestion by Racialized Economic Segregation and Environmental Burden. GeoHealth, 8(12). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Do, V., Chen, C., Benmarhnia, T., & Casey, J. A. (2024). Spatial Heterogeneity of the Respiratory Health Impacts of Wildfire Smoke PM2.5 in California. GeoHealth, 8(4). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Bramer, L. M., Dixon, H. M., Rohlman, D., Scott, R. P., Miller, R. L., Kincl, L., Herbstman, J. B., Waters, K. M., & Anderson, K. A. (2024). PM2.5 Is Insufficient to Explain Personal PAH Exposure. GeoHealth, 8(2). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Ahn, Y., Tuholske, C., & Parks, R. M. (2024). Comparing Approximated Heat Stress Measures Across the United States. GeoHealth, 8(1). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Ward, M. J., Sorek‐Hamer, M., Henke, J. A., Little, E., Patel, A., Shaman, J., Vemuri, K., & DeFelice, N. B. (2023). A Spatially Resolved and Environmentally Informed Forecast Model of West Nile Virus in Coachella Valley, California. GeoHealth, 7(12). Portico.
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