Clinical Kidney Journal

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Bosman, W., Butler, K. M., Chang, C. A., Ganapathi, M., Guzman, E., Latta, F., Chung, W. K., Claverie-Martin, F., Davis, J. M., Hoenderop, J. G. J., & de Baaij, J. H. F. (2024). Pathogenic heterozygous TRPM7 variants and hypomagnesemia with developmental delay. Clinical Kidney Journal, 17(8).
Publication Date
Fusaro, M., Barbuto, S., Gallieni, M., Cossettini, A., Re Sartò, G. V., Cosmai, L., Cianciolo, G., La Manna, G., Nickolas, T., Ferrari, S., Bover, J., Haarhaus, M., Marino, C., Mereu, M. C., Ravera, M., Plebani, M., Zaninotto, M., Cozzolino, M., Bianchi, S., … Tripepi, G. (2023). Real-world usage of Chronic Kidney Disease – Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD–MBD) biomarkers in nephrology practices. Clinical Kidney Journal, 17(1).
Publication Date
Husain-Syed, F., DiFrancesco, M. F., Deo, R., Barr, R. G., Scialla, J. J., Bluemke, D. A., Kronmal, R. A., Lima, J. A. C., Praestgaard, A., Tracy, R. P., Shlipak, M., Kawut, S. M., & Kim, J. S. (2023). Associations between eGFR and albuminuria with right ventricular measures: the MESA-Right Ventricle study. Clinical Kidney Journal, 16(9), 1508–1520.
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