Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association

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Hawkins, B. M., Li, J., Wilkins, L. R., Carman, T. L., Reed, A. B., Armstrong, D. G., Goodney, P., White, C. J., Fischman, A., Schermerhorn, M. L., Feldman, D. N., Parikh, S. A., & Shishehbor, M. H. (2022). SCAI/ACR/APMA/SCVS/SIR/SVM/SVS/VESS Position Statement on Competencies for Endovascular Specialists Providing CLTI Care. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 112(3).
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Hawkins, B. M., Li, J., Wilkins, L. R., Carman, T. L., Reed, A. B., Armstrong, D. G., Goodney, P., White, C. J., Fischman, A., Schermerhorn, M. L., Feldman, D. N., Parikh, S. A., & Shishehbor, M. H. (2022). SCAI/ACR/APMA/SCVS/SIR/SVM/SVS/VESS position statement on competencies for endovascular specialists providing CLTI care. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 112(3), Article 096.

Publication Date