Journal of Traumatic Stress

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Meinhausen, C., Fatehpuria, A., Bhangu, J., Edmondson, D., Kronish, I. M., Wilson, P., & Sumner, J. A. (2024). Development of a codebook for the narrative analysis of in‐hospital trauma interviews of patients following stroke. Journal of Traumatic Stress. Portico.
Publication Date
Hermosilla, S., Forthal, S., Sadowska, K., Magill, E. B., Watson, P., & Pike, K. M. (2022). We need to build the evidence: A systematic review of psychological first aid on mental health and well‐being. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 36(1), 5–16. Portico.
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Kosaraju, S., Galatzer‐Levy, I., Schultebraucks, K., Winters, S., Hinrichs, R., Reddi, P. J., Maples‐Keller, J. L., Hudak, L., Michopoulos, V., Jovanovic, T., Ressler, K. J., Allen, J. W., & Stevens, J. S. (2022). Associations among civilian mild traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness, posttraumatic stress disorder symptom trajectories, and structural brain volumetric data. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 35(5), 1521–1534. Portico.
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Hill, M. L., Loflin, M., Nichter, B., Na, P. J., Herzog, S., Norman, S. B., & Pietrzak, R. H. (2022). Cannabis use among U.S. military veterans with subthreshold or threshold posttraumatic stress disorder: Psychiatric comorbidities, functioning, and strategies for coping with posttraumatic stress symptoms. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 35(4), 1154–1166. Portico.
Publication Date
Caceres, B. A., Britton, L. E., Cortes, Y. I., Makarem, N., & Suglia, S. F. (2021). Investigating the associations between childhood trauma and cardiovascular health in midlife. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 35(2), 409–423. Portico.
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