Pediatric Transplantation
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21
Raghu, V. K., Rothenberger, S. D., Squires, J. E., Eisenberg, E., Peters, A. L., Halma, J., Antala, S., Batsis, I. D., Zhang, K., Feldman, A. G., Leung, D. H., Lobritto, S. J., Bucuvalas, J., Horslen, S. P., Mazariegos, G. V., & Perito, E. R. (2025). Association Between Early Immunosuppression Center Variability and One‐Year Outcomes After Pediatric Liver Transplant. Pediatric Transplantation, 29(1). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Lipman, A. R., Lytrivi, I. D., Fernandez, H. E., Lynch, A. M., Yu, M. E., Stevens, J. S., Mohan, S., & Husain, S. A. (2024). Acute Kidney Injury Requiring Dialysis After Pediatric Heart Transplant. Pediatric Transplantation, 28(5). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Householder, S., Ramakrishnan, A., Chen, J. K., Gorsch, L., Tsapepas, D., Lobritto, S., Rundle, A., & Vittorio, J. M. (2024). The use of once‐daily LCP‐Tacrolimus with adolescent and young adult solid organ transplant recipients. Pediatric Transplantation, 28(4). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Deshpande, S. R., Zangwill, S. D., Richmond, M. E., Kindel, S. J., Schroder, J. N., Gaglianello, N., Bichell, D. P., Wigger, M. A., Knecht, K. R., Thrush, P. T., Mahle, W. T., North, P. E., Simpson, P. M., Zhang, L., Dasgupta, M., Tomita‐Mitchell, A., & Mitchell, M. E. (2024). Evaluating threshold for donor fraction cell‐free DNA using clinically available assay for rejection in pediatric and adult heart transplantation. Pediatric Transplantation, 28(3). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Bansal, N., Jeewa, A., Watanabe, K., Richmond, M. E., Alzubi, A., D’Souza, N., Bano, M., Lorts, A., Rosenthal, D. N., Taylor, K., O’Shea, C., Smyth, L., Koehl, D., Zhao, H., & Hollander, S. A. (2023). Reducing donor acceptance practice variation – Learnings from a discussion forum. Pediatric Transplantation, 28(1). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Lytrivi, I. D., Koehl, D., Esteso, P., Frandsen, E. L., Gibbons, M. K., Kirklin, J. K., Cantor, R., Lamour, J. M., Putschoegl, A., Shugh, S., Williams, R. J., & Pearce, F. B. (2023). Contemporary outcomes of pediatric cardiac transplantation with a positive retrospective crossmatch. Pediatric Transplantation, 27(7). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Richmond, M. E., Conway, J., Kirklin, J. K., Cantor, R. S., Koehl, D. A., Lal, A. K., McDonald, N., Gajarski, R., Lin, K. Y., Singh, R. K., Fenton, M., Asante‐Korang, A., Amdani, S., Auerbach, S. R., & Everitt, M. D. (2023). Three decades of collaboration through the Pediatric Heart Transplant Society Registry: A journey through registry data with a highlight on children with single ventricle anatomy. Pediatric Transplantation, 28(1). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Parr, M. F. E., Hidalgo, G., Goldstein, M. J., Batal, I., Lieberman, K. V., Amoruso, M. R., Baer, A. Z., & Jain, N. G. (2023). CMV‐associated collapsing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis after kidney transplant in a pediatric patient. Pediatric Transplantation, 27(5). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Mantell, B. S., Azeka, E., Cantor, R. S., Carlo, W. F., Chrisant, M., Dykes, J. C., Hoffman, T. M., Kirklin, J. K., Koehl, D., L’Ecuyer, T. J., McAllister, J. M., Prada‐Ruiz, A. C., & Richmond, M. E. (2023). The Fontan immunophenotype and post‐transplant outcomes in children: A multi‐institutional study. Pediatric Transplantation, 27(5). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Wright, L. K., Gajarski, R. J., Phelps, C., Hoffman, T. M., Lytrivi, I. D., Magnetta, D. A., Shaw, F. R., Thompson, C., Weisert, M., & Nandi, D. (2022). Worsening racial disparity in waitlist mortality for pediatric heart transplant candidates since the 2016 Pediatric Heart Allocation Policy revision. Pediatric Transplantation, 27(3). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Griffiths, E. R., Lambert, L. M., Ou, Z., Shaaban, A., Rezvani, M., Carlo, W. F., Schumacher, K. R., DiPaola, F., O’Connor, M. J., Nandi, D., Zangwill, S., McCulloch, M. A., Friedland‐Little, J. M., West, S. C., Lee, T. M., Alejos, J. C., Chen, S., & Molina, K. M. (2022). Fontan‐associated liver disease after heart transplant. Pediatric Transplantation, 27(2). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
McElroy, L. M., Martin, A. E., Feldman, A. G., Ng, V. L., Kato, T., Reichman, T., Valentino, P. L., Anand, R., Anderson, S. G., & Sudan, D. L. (2022). An appraisal of technical variant grafts compared to whole liver grafts in pediatric liver transplant recipients: Multicenter analysis from the SPLIT registry. Pediatric Transplantation, 27(1). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Ng, V. L., Dunphy, C., Shemesh, E., Lobritto, S., Eisenberg, E., Pomponi, C., Szolna, J., Wilkerson, D., Gupta, N., Romero, R., Perito, E. R., DiPaola, F., Gonzalez‐Peralta, R. P., Hsu, E., Saarela, K., Mohammad, S., Superina, R., Logan, S., … Miller, D. W. (2022). Feasibility of using a patient‐reported outcome measure into clinical practice following pediatric liver transplantation: The Starzl Network experience. Pediatric Transplantation, 27(1). Portico.
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Deshpande, S. R., Bearl, D. W., Eghtesady, P., Henderson, H. T., Auerbach, S., Jeewa, A., Bansal, N., Amdani, S., Richmond, M. E., Sacks, L. D., Shih, R., Townsend, M., & Conway, J. (2022). Clinical approach to vasoplegia in the transplant patient from the Pediatric Heart Transplant Society. Pediatric Transplantation, 26(8). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Joong, A., Zuckerman, W. A., Koehl, D., Cantor, R., Alejos, J. C., Ameduri, R. K., Boyle, G. J., Rothkopf, A. C., Kirklin, J. K., & Gajarski, R. J. (2022). Outcomes of infants with pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum listed for heart transplantation: A multi‐institutional study. Pediatric Transplantation, 26(7). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Stanford, N. T., McAllister, J., Gibbons, M., Jensen, K., Lee, H., Rothkopf, A., Jackson, R., Farr, M., Addonizio, L., Law, S., Lee, T., Richmond, M., & Zuckerman, W. (2022). Quality of life and lifetime achievement in adult survivors of pediatric heart transplant. Pediatric Transplantation, 26(7). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Husain, S. A., King, K. L., Owen‐Simon, N. L., Fernandez, H. E., Ratner, L. E., & Mohan, S. (2022). Access to kidney transplantation among pediatric candidates with prior solid organ transplants in the United States. Pediatric Transplantation, 26(6). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Deshpande, S. R., Zangwill, S. D., Kindel, S. J., Schroder, J. N., Bichell, D. P., Wigger, M. A., Richmond, M. E., Knecht, K. R., Pahl, E., Gaglianello, N. A., Mahle, W. T., Stamm, K. D., Simpson, P. M., Dasgupta, M., Zhang, L., North, P. E., Tomita‐Mitchell, A., & Mitchell, M. E. (2022). Relationship between donor fraction cell‐free DNA and clinical rejection in heart transplantation. Pediatric Transplantation, 26(4). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Donovan, D. J., Richmond, M. E., Bacha, E. A., Addonizio, L. J., & Zuckerman, W. A. (2021). Association between homograft tissue exposure and allosensitization prior to heart transplant in patients with congenital heart disease. Pediatric Transplantation, 26(3). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Kang, E., Martinez, M., Moisander‐Joyce, H., Saenger, Y. M., Griesemer, A. D., Kato, T., Yamashiro, D. J., Remotti, H., & Gartrell, R. D. (2021). Stable liver graft post anti‐PD1 therapy as a bridge to transplantation in an adolescent with hepatocellular carcinoma. Pediatric Transplantation, 26(3). Portico.
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Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons; Department of Pediatrics; Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition; Department of Medicine; Division of Digestive and Liver Diseases; Department of Surgery; Division of Abdominal Organ Transplantation; Department of Pathology and Cell Biology
Jain, N. G., Chen, J. K., Mahajan, R., Kehoe, J., Singer, P., Whyte, D., & Bomback, A. S. (2021). Use of ofatumumab and eplerenone in post‐transplant recurrence of FSGS. Pediatric Transplantation, 26(2). Portico.
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