Human Reproduction
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Kahn, J. L., Wu, H., Gerber, R., Shah, T., Lieman, H., Pollack, S. E., Singh, M., & Jindal, S. (2024). Protocol change improves live birth and recurrent cycle cancellation rates after a previous IVF cycle cancellation: an analysis of 13 000 autologous cycles reported to SART CORS. Human Reproduction, 39(7), 1504–1511.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Chemerinski, A., Shen, M., Valero-Pacheco, N., Zhao, Q., Murphy, T., George, L., Lemenze, A., Sherman, L., Heller, D., Chen, X., Wu, T., McGovern, P. G., Morelli, S. S., Arora, R., Beaulieu, A. M., & Douglas, N. C. (2024). The impact of ovarian stimulation on the human endometrial microenvironment. Human Reproduction, 39(5), 1023–1041.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation